About Forum

X International Siberian Transport Forum is the main platform in the region for demonstrating the achievements of the domestic transport industry, discussing key aspects of the operation of all modes of transport, decision-making for the development of transport and logistics infrastructure and road complex.

X International Siberian Transport Forum and exhibition Modern Transport and Infrastructure is traditionally an authoritative platform in the Siberian Federal District to discuss the development of the transport industry in the region and in Russia.

This year the thematic horizons of the Forum will expand considerably. Particular attention will be paid to:

  • logistics,
  • infrastructure construction,
  • import substitution,
  • parallel import,
  • human resources

Due to the special thematic significance, the plenary part will be expanded with additional discussions on digitalization and international cooperation, as well as global transport and logistics complex. Representatives of state agencies and companies from Azerbaijan, India, China, Turkey and other countries have been invited to participate.

A series of government meetings and events on the development of the transport industry and transport and logistics complex are planned.

Terms of participation

Participation in the events of Siberian transport forum is free.

Delegations arrive in the city of Novosibirsk at their own expense, bearing costs for transport and accommodation in hotels in the city of Novosibirsk.

Фамилия на английском*
Имя на английском*
Организация на английском*
Категория бейджа

Политика конфиденциальности.